Here at home, savory recipes always run out quickly. Inspired by my blender sweet potato cake (which was a huge success), I decided to create a new sweet potato cake recipe, but this time in a savory version. This savory sweet potato cake recipe is dense, nutritious, protein-rich and will satisfy your hunger! It is simple to prepare and made entirely in a blender. SIMPLE SALTY SWEET POTATO CAKE RECIPE IN A BLENDER I love blender recipes. First, you blend the liquid ingredients, then the dry ones, add the filling, mix well and finish with baking powder. It is super practical! You can vary the filling and use whatever you have in the fridge. I used colonial sausage, black olives and walnuts, a delicious combination that surprised my taste buds. VARIING THE SALTY SWEET POTATO CAKE FILLING For this savory sweet potato cake recipe, you will need…
Eu amo receitas práticas dessas que você suja apenas uma bacia, afinal quanto menos louça melhor! Foi pensando na praticidade que desenvolvi esta receita de torta vegetariana, que além de ser simples de preparar atende aos pedidos de muitas pessoas que preferem opções salgadas para a hora do lanche. Para transformar esta torta vegetariana em prato principal é só servir acompanhado de uma boa salada. Como é uma opção leve combina muito bem com a hora da janta. Quando testei a receita pela primeira vez era hora da janta e servi com uma salada de rúcula, brócolis e palmito, me senti saciada e cheia de energia. RECEITA FÁCIL DE TORTA VEGETARIANA Como eu falei antes essa receita é tão simples que estou até tendo dificuldade para escrever mais a respeito dela. Basicamente você deve separar o recheio, untar a forma, preaquecer o forno, misturar os ingredientes molhados, adicionar os secos…
Many people complain that they can't follow the Dietary Reeducation program because they don't have time to cook, but I honestly think it's hard to change your diet if you don't commit to some changes in your routine. In addition to being quick, recipes also need to be easy, and this savory sweet potato cake recipe definitely fits into this category. Another positive point is that even if you take a little longer in the kitchen and spend about 30 minutes preparing this sweet potato cake, the advantage is that it yields 12 servings and can even be frozen. Since I test several recipes here at home and there are only 2 of us, I always freeze everything and eat it little by little. Check out the conservation and storage tips at the end of this post 😉 I know that many people prefer savory options for snack time and my husband is one of them...